Why SmartCue is the Top Choice for Your Interactive Demos?

At SmartCue, our focus is on delivering an unparalleled self-serve demo experience. We're here, working hard, ensuring you get the best, while others focus on their next video shoot.

SmartCue: Faster, Simpler, More Affordable Interactive Demos


In the realm of interactive demo platforms, SmartCue is engineered for quick setup & seamless performance, ensuring your demos are impressive right from the start.


Unlike some platforms that may seem overly intricate, SmartCue offers a user-friendly experience. Crafting engaging demos becomes as straightforward as can be.


Looking for a cost-effective Walnut.io alternative? SmartCue delivers top-tier demo experiences without the premium pricing.

Pricing Comparison for Interactive Demos

Experience premier demos with SmartCue, offering genuine value for every dollar.

Number of Users
How is this calculated?

User license - $20/month

Unlimited Demos

Unlimited Views

How is this calculated?

User license - $1000/month

Additional fees for add-ons, customer service (psst...goes towards making fancy videos!)

A Commitment to Ethical Practices

Bidding on competitor keywords? Ok, we get it. But impersonation? C'mon Walnut! At SmartCue, we believe in fair competition. Our focus is to deliver an unmatched demo experience that speaks for itself.


Hear from those who chose SmartCue over other platforms like Walnut.io for their interactive demos. Discover their transformative journey.

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Industry leaders have identified the unmatched benefits SmartCue offers over alternatives like Walnut.io. Join the ranks.

Embrace the Future with SmartCue

With several alternatives to Walnut.io available, SmartCue stands out in the interactive demo landscape. It's not just about choosing a platform; it's about aligning with quality, efficiency, and unmatched value. Ready to make the transition?

Do The Right Thing and still kick-a**!

In the world of interactive demos, SmartCue signifies more than just a software. We're a testament to user-centric design, exceptional service, and honest value. Dive deeper into our ethos.

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