Challenges with using Loom

Loom: The Challenges

Ambient Noises: With Loom, you're constantly battling background noises. Whether it's a dog barking, a baby crying, or a doorbell ringing, these distractions can ruin your recording.

Unwanted Interruptions: Ever had an unwanted notification pop up during your recording? Or perhaps you've accidentally showcased proprietary or dummy information. With Loom, these mistakes mean starting over.

Re-recording Hassles: Product updates mean re-recording your entire video, not just the changed sections. This can be time-consuming and frustrating.

Link Management: Once you've published a Loom video and your product changes, you're left tracking down and replacing every old link with the new one.

SmartCue: The Smart Solution

No Ambient Noises

With SmartCue's interactive product demo software, you never have to worry about background noises interrupting your showcase.

Control Your Capture

Choose exactly which screens to capture and blur out any irrelevant information with ease.

One Link, Multiple Updates

Update your demo (or "showcase" as we call it) once, and it updates everywhere the same URL is published.

Why choose SmartCue over Loom?

Why Choose SmartCue Over Loom?

Cost-Effective: Save time and money by avoiding re-recordings and managing fewer links.

User-Friendly: With its intuitive interface, SmartCue is easy for anyone to use, regardless of technical expertise.

Flexible: Whether you're showcasing a simple product update or a complex workflow, SmartCue adapts to your needs.

Reliable: Trust in a tool that's designed with your challenges in mind, ensuring a smooth experience every time.

Switch to SmartCue and create interactive, self-serve demos

Switch & See The Difference

For a seamless, efficient, and hassle-free screen recording experience, SmartCue is the clear choice. Boost your conversions and supercharge your go-to-market teams with our state-of-the-art demo software.


Discover stories from brands that elevated their demo game with SmartCue. Find out why we're often chosen over other interactive product demo software.

Who's Showcasing with SmartCue?

From SaaS startups to established product giants, industry leaders trust SmartCue for their interactive demos. See who's with us.

Make Every Demo Count with SmartCue

In a landscape filled with demo creation platforms and tools, SmartCue is your ally for dynamic, engaging, and conversion-driven showcases. Why settle for less when you can have the best?

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Where innovative demo creation meets unparalleled user experience. Dive in now.

Discover why SmartCue is the best self-serve, interactive demo platform for SaaS companies
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