Virgin Pulse partners with SmartCue for Self-Serve Demo Automation
VirginPulse partners with SmartCue for self-serve demo automation for GTM teams

How can an interactive demo help in converting leads into customers?

An interactive demo allows potential customers to experience the product firsthand, showcasing its features and benefits in a dynamic way. This hands-on interaction not only educates leads but also builds trust and confidence, making it more likely for them to convert into paying customers.

SmartCue simplifies Virgin Pulse's complex demos, and empowers marketing, sales and solution consulting teams to swiftly create custom member experiences that are tailored to each prospect. This strengthens Virgin Pulse's ability to secure major enterprise deals by delivering highly relevant and engaging content to prospects.

About Virgin Pulse

  • Industry - HealthTech
  • Company Size - 2000+ Employees 
  • Use Case - Live Demos, Sales Follow-ups (Leave Behinds)

Virgin Pulse is the world’s #1 personalized health, wellbeing, and navigation company that motivates people to get and stay healthy. It operates globally across 190+ countries and has impacted over 100 million people by helping Fortune 500, national health plans, and many other organizations of all sizes.


Liz Schmittgens, Director of Solutions Consulting

Liz Schmittgens is the director of solutions consulting at Virgin Pulse (now PersonifyHealth). Her mission is to simplify the complexity of their product in a way that shows clear value and positive impact on members, patients, employers and payers. She also aims to empower the sales team to weave compelling stories that resonate with clients using these demos.


Complex Product Demonstrations and Limited Timing

Relaying the value of PersonifyHealth and showcasing its extensive set of products and services in a meaningful way, while also allowing for interactivity through an interactive product demo, can be challenging for software companies. With only 60 minutes in some cases, team members are often short on time when it comes to the demo portion of the presentation. This results in select functionality - including video demos using tools like Loom - and perhaps functionality that may be important to the buyer - being left out of the demo, leaving potential pain points unaddressed and hindering the demonstration of the product’s value using interactive demo software.

Live Demo Account Switching

Demonstrating different member journeys in live demos can often require account switching. This process adds complexity and hinders a seamless demonstration for the solutions consulting team. Showing too many member journeys in one live demo experience has the potential to overwhelm buyers who either are new to a platform like VP or see their employee population as not being tech-savvy or easily overwhelmed, hindering product marketing, adoption, changes, and user engagement. By utilizing interactive product tours, VP was able to overcome these challenges and increase product adoption by providing engaging and personalized tutorials for each buyer's specific needs.

What are the reasons to select SmartCue?

Faced with these challenges, the Virgin Pulse team was looking for a solution to help them simplify the demo creation process, while also enabling sales teams to be more self-sufficient and putting the magic of Virgin Pulse's solutions right in the hands of prospects. With SmartCue, the Virgin Pulse team found its silver bullet! Let's break down how the Virgin Pulse team evaluated SmartCue and decided it was the right fit for them.

Demo Magic with SmartCue

SmartCue revolutionized the process of creating demos, making it effortless for the Virgin Pulse marketing and solution consulting teams. They were able to craft personalized demos within the first week of integrating SmartCue, all without requiring any assistance from the engineering teams. This rapid time-to-value proved to be incredibly beneficial for the teams, streamlining their workflow and enhancing productivity. By leveraging SmartCue's intuitive platform, they were able to showcase their offerings effectively and efficiently, ultimately driving greater engagement and success in their marketing endeavors.

Embedding Powerhouse

As part of their sales motion, Virgin Pulse wanted to provide tailored experiences that the prospect could take for a spin on their own without any overhead or complexity. With SmartCue's product demo software, the Virgin Pulse team simply embedded these showcases in their marketing collateral as dynamic URLs, PDFs or videos depending on the use case. Clients enjoyed a hiccup-free experience with the use of tooltips, hotspots, and text modals, creating a seamless and personalized experience. The demo flow, also includes a strong CTA to book a demo of Virgin Pulse's platform, making it easy for interested prospects to take the next step in their journey with the company. Additionally, embedding these showcases on their landing page helped to accelerate enterprise deal closures and project a unified brand image for Virgin Pulse through the use of sales enablement strategies.

Engaging Personalized Demonstration

Liz and the Virgin Pulse team wanted to give each demo a personality that would resonate with their prospects and buyers while still incorporating Virgin Pulse's powerful brand. With SmartCue, each presentation became a special reflection of Virgin Pulse, from colors to member personas to a sales person's personalized avatar that added a personal touch to every pitch. Sales team members and prospects alike love this ability to make each demo their own with the help of our Demo Wizard, allowing for quick and easy demo personalization tailored to their specific needs!

Crafting Intelligent Narratives

SmartCue, a revolutionary tool, transformed Virgin Pulse's sales and marketing teams into exceptional storytellers during their demos. Gone are the days of dull and monotonous presentations; thanks to SmartCue, demos have evolved into captivating narratives that clients resonate with and cherish. By infusing a compelling story and narrative into their demonstrations, Virgin Pulse not only captured the attention of their audience but also left a lasting impression that set them apart from the competition. SmartCue empowered the teams to engage with potential clients on a deeper level, forging connections that went beyond just product features and benefits. This innovative approach not only enhanced the overall demo experience but also significantly boosted client engagement and conversion rates for Virgin Pulse.

Enhancing Member Experiences through Multi-Threaded Processes

Virgin Pulse's key value proposition is that they provide a personalized approach to health - whether it’s a patient looking for care or a member looking to utilize benefits through their employer or insurance provider. But user interactions across the health and wellbeing journey can be complex and showcasing this value proposition in a clear and concise way is a challenge. With SmartCue, this became a breeze. Solution consulting and sales team members were able to seamlessly show multiple member experiences in a single, fluid narrative with interactive elements such as the quick checklist at the beginning, without having to create custom client configurations or jumping between platforms. Additionally, SmartCue's great pricing and reliable support team made it an invaluable tool for product walkthroughs and tutorials, as seen by the positive impact our customers have experienced.

The Impact?

Strategies for Achieving Major Successes Rapidly

Sales teams at Virgin Pulse saw a significant improvement in deal closure velocity. SmartCue made demos easy and allowed the sales team to share it with potential clients pronto. This speedy process made important business decisions happen in a flash.

Increasing Confidence in Prospects

The introduction of Virgin Pulse's offerings to potential clients was swift and effective, allowing them to quickly grasp the benefits provided. This efficient communication instilled a deeper sense of trust in Virgin Pulse among the clients. Trust plays a pivotal role in decision-making processes, often expediting the client's choice. This scenario exemplifies how rapid and clear communication can positively influence client decisions.

Utilizing SmartCue streamlined the presentation of health innovations for Liz and her team at Virgin Pulse. What were once intricate demonstrations were transformed into captivating narratives that resonated with both clients and prospects. By simplifying complex information into engaging stories, SmartCue enabled Virgin Pulse to effectively convey their message and value proposition, ultimately strengthening their relationships with clients and attracting new business opportunities.